
What Central Idea Or Theme About Humansã¢â‚¬â„¢ Treatment Of Animals Does The Call Of The Wild Convey?

  • #22

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12475336#post12475336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> past iron coral
you are rather short minded if can say and then. i was never comparing animals to humans. show how little you can process to begin with.

lets put it in terms of peoples rights. say that there is somebody trying to assist a grouping of people. lets say group A and group B are both lacking in rights. they live in the aforementioned country. sh!t lets get as specific as the same city. if equal rights activist R protests only for group A but continues to put down grouping B then that person should finish trying to help group A if they go along to put down group B. why? well lets look at it a bit closer. this activist R is supposed to exist for human rights merely mistreats grouping B so then we are left with a contradiction. how and so tin can R fight for ane side and hate the other only cease information technology.

are you now understanding what i'm maxim? and plus lets wait at the phras "Animal Cruelty" it refers to all animals not just the retty ones, non just the smart ones, not just the mammals it refers to ALL animals and yes that includes insects fifty-fifty though we hate them.

and so the message for today is "if you are trying to protest dolphins dying in fish nets and so don't eat tuna." don't exist on both sides of the arguement at once. or is it that yous people don't see that all animals are entitled to equal handling. so this arguement of fauna cruelty is rather a person to person effect. where one might think that harvesting dear from bee's is barbarous while another might think not and and so you lot are arguing because there are no truely set standards of "animate being treatment. tin can whatsoever of yous process beyond your own view indicate to endeavour and understand what others are saying?

oh just to let you know kid i know my grammer is bad so shove off.

What does brusque minded mean? Anyway, the problem I accept with your aggressive attitude is that at that place isn't any supporter of animate being 'A' in this thread that too put down animal 'B'. You lot simply came out of nowhere and told everyone to close upwardly. Regardless, y'all seem to see the world in black and white instead of shades of gray, and that makes it difficult to communicate.

  • #26

Re: Re: Where is the "Animal Cruelty" line crossed?

Re: Re: Where is the "Animal Cruelty" line crossed?

<a href=showthread.php?southward=&postid=12484733#post12484733 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by olemos
Maybe you lot should start by analyzing your self, your tangs call for a minimum of 70gal tank, y'all have 2 in a 58, what’due south upwards with that :confused: ;)

Oh snap!

  • #28

Re: Re: Where is the "Animal Cruelty" line crossed?

Re: Re: Where is the "Animal Cruelty" line crossed?

Hey guys,

Sorry i haven't replied since i posted this. I was busy apologizing to the world and trying to explain that not all of us college people behave similar Atomic number 26 CORAL. It would be a shame being in college and non having close to perfect "grammer".. I'd probably shoot myself in embarrassment.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12484733#post12484733 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> past olemos
Maybe you lot should commencement by analyzing your self, your tangs telephone call for a minimum of 70gal tank, you lot have two in a 58, what’s up with that :confused: ;)

Hmmm.. two tangs.. inch/ inch and a half...TOPS! (They really don't thrive in large tanks where they accept to compete with bigger fish.. I suggest you lot do some enquiry near it). Well fed...immaculate parameters.. Nori at their disposal 24/7.. fed twice a day.. Information technology does sound like torture to me.. Thanks to your comment OLEMOS i realized GITO sounds like paradise compared to the cruel brutal life i was giving these fish

.. Care to explain how those rather small tangs fall into the "animal cruelty" bin?? Id Dearest to hear it.. (I promise non to laugh)..

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  • #29

Re: Re: Re: Where is the "Animal Cruelty" line crossed?

Re: Re: Re: Where is the "Fauna Cruelty" line crossed?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12523626#post12523626 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ClownReef®
Hmmm.. 2 tangs.. inch/ inch and a half...TOPS! (They really don't thrive in big tanks where they have to compete with bigger fish.. I suggest yous practise some research most information technology). Well fed...immaculate parameters.. Nori at their disposal 24/7.. fed twice a solar day.. Information technology does audio like torture to me.. Thanks to your annotate OLEMOS i realized GITO sounds similar paradise compared to the cruel cruel life i was giving these fish

.. Care to explicate how those rather small tangs fall into the "animal cruelty" bin?? Id LOVE to hear it.. (I promise non to laugh)..

Um, you know they grow bigger than that, right?

  • #31


I'm a VERY responsible fish keeper. I always look for my fish's health and well beingness commencement. I e'er try to accommodate them as best every bit i can. I attempt to provide them with the all-time equipment and best food i can get... like CAPTAIN QUIRK said...keep information technology realistic. Its not like i'grand jamming 3 dolphins in a betta basin.

  • #33

My main argument is the conditions SOME people keep their tanks for their fish to live in. I wish i could post pictures..LOL

  • #34

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where is the "Animal Cruelty" line crossed?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Where is the "Brute Cruelty" line crossed?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12524088#post12524088 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Helm Quirk
Yeah, but in all fairness, since they're still small is it really an issue?

It is. They'll spend a majority of their lives in a tank that's too small. I'd consider that brutal. Non every bit barbarous as keeping dolpins in a betta basin, only cruel.

  • #35

Finding fish a more suitable home when they outgrow a tank is a given. Not doing so, definitely roughshod.

  • #36

<a href=showthread.php?south=&postid=12524238#post12524238 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by hamdogg08
That being said, I spend nearly the same amount of money trying to keep my fish and corals alive at home as I spend trying to catch and eat the fish in the lake... Non proverb that it's bad to kill some stuff and defend others, but I exercise call up that we're all pretty hypocritical when it comes to animal rights.

Do you needlessy torture the fish you lot're virtually to swallow? If not, then no, it'southward non the same. As well, are these fish you consume just as rare equally some of the fish we keep in our tanks? If not, and so notwithstanding no, it's not the same. What about the pollution and ecology impairment required to become these fish to our doorstep as opposed to the fish you catch yourself, is it almost the aforementioned? No, it's probably not. Do you need to continue fish in your tank in order to feed yourself. No, I'd like to think non. The fish you catch is for food, which is justifiable equally long as you do information technology humanely and it's sustainable.

Apples and oranges.

  • #39

Exercise y'all happen to have pics of my prom? Deceit seem to find them.. maybe they are in the old picture box where you found that ane..

Those fish were given BIGGER homes due to their size (i paid $120 for both fish.. i gave them away for FREE!.. Im not hungry enough to charge to give these fish a improve home..). They look soooo tortured and scared.. skinny and slowly fading.. Oh the horror!

Equally yous all can run across from the picture that OLEMOS posted, my tank is a mix betwixt Auschwitz and GITMO..

Please relieve them OLEMOS..PLEAAAAAAAAASE! Exist the hero of the movie..

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